There are two physical property tests, namely Tensile Test and Bend & Rebend Test and one Chemical Test to check the quality of TMT bars. In the tensile test, the strength of TMT bars is measured using the universal testing machine (UTM). A bending test assesses the steel’s ductility without affecting its strength; the rebending test, conversely, measures the strain ageing effects on steel. Finally, the chemical test ensures the correct percentage of carbon, phosphorus, and sulphur in the TMT bars, as standardised by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS). If you’re buying TMT bars in Kolkata, you must ensure that the rebars have passed all these quality tests.
The top 10 TMT bar brands in India are Tata TMT bar Grade Fe500, Tata Tiscon SD TMT bar, Jindal Panther TMT bar, SAIL TMT bar, Kamdhenu TMT bar, SAIL and Vizag CRM TMT bars, SRMB steel TMT bar, JSW steel TMT, Shyam Steel TMT, and Concast Maxx Fe550- the best TMT bar in West Bengal.
Fe550D in TMT steel bars indicate the chemical name of the meta, minimum yield stress, and ductility.
“Fe” stands for Iron, out of which the TMT bars are made. The numerical “550” implies the minimum yield stress in MPa. The letter “D” in Fe550D implies ductility. Fe550D TMT bars are steel bars that have a higher elongation percentage. Globally, top TMT bar manufacturers, including those based in Kolkata, like Concast Maxx, make Fe550D rebars to give the best value to their customers.
Rusting in TMT bars is caused primarily due to two reasons: A) Prolonged exposure to harsh atmospheric conditions and rainfall without any protective cover. B) Exposure to extreme, saline, and sometimes, even toxic environments. However, according to the metallurgy experts in top TMT bar companies, including those in West Bengal, rusting is a natural phenomenon that should not concern the end-users.
Shyam Steel, Concast Maxx, SRMB, Dytron Steel, and Top Tech have emerged as the best-quality TMT bar manufacturers in India. In the Kolkata market, too, their Fe550D TMT bars are immensely popular and are being used in huge quantities to transform the entire city landscape.
Quality makes a product cost-effective in the long run as it gives maximum value and minimum maintenance hassles. Purchasing Fe500 TMT bars instead of Fe415 leads to up to 20% savings on material, and this applies to all advanced TMT steel bars, whether they’re manufactured in Kolkata or elsewhere.